There have been several reports of the successful use of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in ophthalmologic conditions.1We wish to report on its successful use in a case of severe and long-standing superficial disseminated keratitis of the punctate and coalescing type. This had failed to respond to the conventional antibiotic and supportive therapy during a nine month period. After 10 days of therapy with pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone there was a fairly dramatic improvement that has been sustained for six months. The case is further interesting because the patient is severely diabetic, needing usually 65 units of insulin daily, and because she has severe arteriosclerotic heart disease, compensated only by continued digitalization and by the use of mercurial diuretics once or twice weekly during the past year. Thorn and his associates,2in an excellent review of the recent clinical applications of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisone therapy, state, "It