Source localization of auditory evoked potentials after cochlear implantation

Little is known about how the auditory cortex adapts to artificial input as provided by a cochlear implant (CI). We report the case of a 71-year-old profoundly deaf man, who has successfully used a unilateral CI for 4 years. Independent component analysis (ICA) of 61-channel EEG recordings could separate CI-related artifacts from auditory-evoked potentials (AEPs), even though it was the perfectly time-locked CI stimulation that caused the AEPs. AEP dipole source localization revealed contralaterally larger amplitudes in the P1–N1 range, similar to normal hearing individuals. In contrast to normal hearing individuals, the man with the CI showed a 20-ms shorter N1 latency ipsilaterally. We conclude that ICA allows the detailed study of AEPs in CI users.