This paper presents a new protocol named "Link StateOver MAC" (LSOM) for Optical Ethernet switches toallow the use of active loop topologies, like meshes, inMetropolitan Area Networks (MAN) or even Wide AreaNetworks (WAN) backbone. In this respect, LSOM is analternative to a ring topology as proposed in draft IEEE802.17 Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) or a tree topologyusing IEEE802.1D Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP).LSOM provides higher scalability and is able to achievebetter bandwidth utilization and lower latency than RSTPand RPR. Simulation results for 4-node and 9-nodetopologies show that LSOM can improve throughput overRPR by a factor of up to 1.7. Furthermore, full freedom tochoose any MAN active topology allows an effective useof the available dark fiber resources.

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