CPD [citrate phosphate dextrose]-adenine blood (adenine in a final concentration of 0.25 mmol/l) was used in exchange transfusions in 4 newborn infants. The amount of adenine in 1 exchange transfusion ranged from 27-29 .mu.mol/kg bodyweight. The maximum P-adenine concentration during the exchange transfusions ranged from 4-8 .mu.mol/l but decreased to pretransfusion levels 20 min after the exchange transfusions. During a 24 h period following the exchange transfusions, the total urine excretion of adenine and 2,8-dihydroxyadenine corresponded to 0.5-1.3% of the given adenine dose calculated on a molar basis. Accumulated data indicated that CPD-adenine blood can be used even in repeated exchange transfusions in newborn infants.