Low pH induced membrane fusion of lipid vesicles containing proton-sensitive polymer

For the purpose of cytoplasmic delivery of aqueous content in liposomes through endosomes, we synthesized a pH-sensitive polymer, cetylacetyl(imidazol-4-ylmethyl)polyethylenimine (CAIPEI), which generates polycations at acidic pH. CAIPEI in its aqueous phase caused aggregation of sonicated vesicles composed of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) (molar ratio 1:4) when the pH of the solution was lowered. The polymer also induced membrane intermixing as measured by resonance energy transfer between vesicles containing N-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benz[d]oxadiazol-4-yl)phosphatidylethanolamine and those containing N-Rhodamine phosphatidylethanolamine at pH 4-5, while the addition of CAIPEI caused neither aggregation of PC vesicles nor the intermixing of liposomal membranes between PC and PC/PS vesicles at any pH. The CAIPEI-induced membrane intermixing was dependent on the polymer/vesicle ratio rather than on the polymer concentration. Then the polymer was incorporated into the bilayers of PC vesicles. These CAIPEI vesicles also caused membrane intermixing with liposomes containing PS under acidic conditions. The reconstituted CAIPEI did not reduce the trapping efficiency of vesicles or increase their permeability to glucose even at low pH. The vesicles caused the low pH induced aggregation and membrane intermixing with other negatively charged liposomes containing phosphatidic acid or phosphatidylglycerol. These results suggest that the protonation of the polymer at acidic pH endows the CAIPEI vesicles with the activity to fuse with negatively charged liposomes.