Vanishing Str M^2 in the presence of anomalous U_A(1)

We show that the presence of an anomalous $\rm U_A(1)$ factor in the gauge group of string-derived models may have the new and important phenomenological consequence of allowing the vanishing of ${\rm Str}\,{\cal M}^2$ in the ``shifted" vacuum, that results in the process of cancelling the anomalous $\rm U_A(1)$. The feasibility of this effect seems to be enhanced by a vanishing vacuum energy, and by a ``small" value of ${\rm Str}\,{\cal M}^2$ in the original vacuum. In the class of free-fermionic models with vanishing vacuum energy that we focus on, a necessary condition for this mechanism to be effective is that ${\rm Str}\,{\cal M}^2>0$ in the original vacuum. A vanishing ${\rm Str}\,{\cal M}^2$ ameliorates the cosmological constant problem and is a necessary element in the stability of the no-scale mechanism.

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