T4, T3, TSH, FT4 (Corning method), TBG, T3U and a diversity of free thyroid hormone indices were determined in serum from 72 reference persons and 337 patients with either thyroid diseases, TBG abnormalities, non-thyroid illnesses, or medications known to affect the results of thyroid function tests. Ninety-six per cent were 20 years or older. None of the laboratory parameters showed significant age or sex dependence, whereas systemic illness and medications frequently influenced test results. Thus the mean values of all patient groups differed significantly from those of the reference group in two or more laboratory tests, and significant differences were detected in 73 % of the total number of 209 paired comparisons of test results between reference and patient groups. As a single parameter, free thyroxine index was found to be a marginally more efficient thyroid function discriminator than FT4, which again was more efficient than the T4/TBG ratio. However, none of these parameters were included in the combinations of laboratory tests identified as optimum by discriminant analysis. The overall optimum test combination was T4, TSH and T3U, which had an efficiency for correct thyroid function reclassification better than 98 % in the total material. T3 replaced TSH in distinguishing between hyperthyroidism and euthyroidism.