In severe obesity, microvascular endothelial regulation of nitric oxide (NO) formation is compromised in response to muscarinic stimulation, and major arteries have suppressed flow-mediated dilation. Because normal microvessels are highly dependent on flow-mediated stimulation of NO generation and are responsive to intra- and extravascular oxygen availability, they are likely a major site of impaired endothelial regulation. This study evaluated the blood flow and oxygen-dependent aspects of intestinal microvascular regulation and NO production in Zucker obese rats just before the onset of hyperglycemia. Ruboxistaurin (LY-333531) was used to inhibit PKC-βII to determine whether flow or oxygen-related NO regulation was improved. Blood flow velocity was increased by forcing arterioles to perfuse ∼50% larger tissue areas by occlusion of nearby arterioles, and oxygen tension in the bath was lowered to create a modest oxygen depletion. When compared with lean Zucker rats, the periarteriolar NO concentration ([NO]) for obese rats was ∼30% below normal. At elevated shear rates, the [NO] for arterioles of obese animals was 20–30% below those in the arterioles of lean rats, and the NO response to decreased oxygen was about half normal in obese rats. All of these regulatory problems were essentially corrected in obese rats by PKC blockade with only minor changes in the microvascular behavior in lean rats. Therefore, activation of PKC-βII in endothelial cells during obesity suppressed NO regulation both at rest and in response to increased flow velocity and decreased oxygen availability.