The functional role of the T cell (Tv) which can replicate vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) on activation by the antigen was investigated in antibody response in vitro. By the inoculation of VSV into the culture, marked augmentation of antibody response to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) was observed in the culture of spleen cells taken more than 3 days after the immunization with SRBC, suggesting that the VSV-susceptible suppressor cells were included in these spleen cells and the activity was eliminated by the effect of VSV. Development of two distinct types of suppressor T cells was revealed in the spleen of mice after the priming with SRBC. First, nylon wool nonadherent (NAd) suppressor T cells found in the spleen cells taken 3 days after immunization, and second, nylon wool adherent (Ad) suppressor T cells found in the spleen cells taken approximately 1 wk after immunization. The activity of nylon Ad suppressor T cells was completely abolished by VSV-preinfection, whereas that of nylon NAd suppressor T cells was unaffected. It was also shown that the helper T-cell activity was not influenced by VSV-preinfection. These results provided direct evidence that nylon Ad suppressor T cell but not nylon NAd suppressor T cell nor helper T cell can actually replicate VSV after antigenic stimulation. Thus it was strongly suggested that Tv represents the nylon Ad suppressor T cells.