The sounds of the bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, during the spring migrations of 1979 and 1980

Bowhead whales, B. mysticetus, were recorded during their spring migration past Point Barrow, Alaska [USA], in 1979 and 1980, using a pair of hydrophones linked to an underwater sound direction finding device. A great variety of sounds were recorded, including types that were reported previously for bowheads during their spring migration, fall migration and summer feeding. Most of the sounds were < 300 Hz, with simple frequency-modulated structures. A variety of pulsive sounds were also recorded; these contained complex energy up to 3500 Hz. Sound levels .apprx. 156 dB (re I .mu.Pascal) were recorded for 1 whale 100-150 m from the hydrophones. No particular behaviors were observed which correlated with any of these sounds.