The Epidemiology and Prevention of Paraquat Poisoning

1 In the UK there was an increase in the annual number of deaths associated with paraquat poisoning between 1966 and 1975. Since that time there has been little change in numbers. 2 High mortality is associated commonly with suicidal intent. Serious accidental poisoning from paraquat has never been frequent in the UK and there have been no deaths reported in children since 1977. 3 The National Poisons Information Service has monitored in detail all reports of paraquat poisoning since 1980. Of the 1074 cases recorded there were 209 deaths. In recent years serious poisoning has been more commonly associated with ingestion of concentrated products by males. Local exposure to paraquat has not resulted in systemic poisoning. 4 International data for paraquat poisoning is incomplete and difficult to compare. There is a scarcity of morbidity data at both international and national levels. Information obtained from Poison Control Centres indicates that paraquat poisoning occurs in many countries but detailed comparisons are hindered by lack of standardised methods of recording. 5 Various measures to prevent paraquat poisoning have been introduced. Their effectiveness has not been studied in detail. Some support is provided by the low incidence of serious accidental paraquat poisoning in the UK, but because of the suicidal nature of paraquat poisoning it is unlikely that current preventative measures will influence the number of deaths occurring each year. 6 Preventative measures against paraquat poisoning should be tailored to national needs, based on and assessed by epidemiological studies.