Tissue Factor-Activated Thromboelastograms in Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Baseline Values and Comparisons

Activation of clotting with tissue factor (TF) allows rapid evaluation of thromboelastograms but alters the values of thromboelastogram variables. We have performed TF-activated thromboelastograms in 250 children <2 yr old undergoing cardiac surgery to establish baseline values. Five groups were distinguished to evaluate the effects of quantitative deficiencies in coagulation factor levels during infancy: <30 days, 1–3 mo, 3–6 mo, 6–12 mo, and 12–24 mo. Activation of clotting (R and K values) was similar among groups. Infants 1–3 mo of age demonstrated increased clot strength compared with the other groups, a finding similar to previous evaluation of native thromboelastograms. The α and maximum amplitude values were numerically almost identical in each age group, a unique finding in activated thromboelastograms. Fibrinolysis was similar among groups. We believe that knowledge of baseline TF-activated thromboelastogram variables in young children will be useful in interpreting these thromboelastograms in clinical scenarios, in using these thromboelastograms as part of coagulopathy treatment algorithms, and during the application of more specific thromboelastogram modifiers. Additionally, the similarity of α and maximum amplitude values in each age group will allow even faster interpretation of thromboelastogram data.