Water sources and environmental transmission of multiply resistant enteric bacteria in rural Bangladesh

The role of different water sources in the spread of multiply resistant enteric bacteria was investigated in rural Bangladesh. The prevalence of resistance to commonly used antimicrobial agents in the faecal flora of village children and the water quality and prevalence of resistance in village water sources were studied. Most of the children studied (81%) had multiply resistant faecal coliform bacteria, i.e. bacteria resistant to at least three antimicrobials. Although tubewells provided water with low faecal coliform counts, 62% of household storage pots contained water with moderate to high counts. Most of the storage pots (76%) and each of the river and pond sites tested contained multiply resistant isolates. Contamination of water within the household, and the widespread distribution of resistant coliforms in the environment, contribute to the high prevalence of multiply resistant enteric flora in the community. These findings are of importance in understanding the spread of multiply resistant enteric pathogens.