When gram negative intracellular and extracellular diplococci are demonstrated in a smear from the conjunctiva showing purulent conjunctivitis, the presumptive diagnosis of gonorrheal ophthalmia is almost universally made. Except in rare cases it has not been considered necessary to make detailed bacteriologic or serologic studies of the organisms found. This attitude may have been due in the past to difficulties in culturing the neisserian organisms and in their serologic identification. This is no longer a legitimate excuse, since in recent years cultural and serologic identification of these organisms has become quite a simple matter. The case that brought to our attention the necessity of doing such studies was that of a 2 year old child who was brought to the Station Hospital on Dec. 6, 1943 because of a purulent conjunctivitis of the right eye. He was taken immediately to the laboratory and a smear was made on the exudate

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