Using epitope scanning, the precise location of antibody binding sites on the CB-11 peptide of bovine type II collagen have been identified for the first time. Two hundred and seventy two peptides (8 amino acids in length and overlapping by seven amino acids), representing the complete CB-11 sequence, were synthesised on solid phase supports, in duplicate, and were screened with sera from arthritic and non-arthritic, bovine type II collagen-immunised rats. A total of twenty one different antibody binding sites were identified with no epitope being uniquely recognised by sera from arthritic, as compared to non-arthritic, rats although differences in the relative amount of antibody binding were seen. Individual sera identified between two and thirteen epitopes with one epitope being recognised by all sera. Some of the amino acid sequences, of the CB-11 region of bovine type II collagen, recognised by the rat sera are identical to the sequences in human type II collagen and thus these epitopes may be relevant to auto-immunity to type II collagen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.