The area described comprises the south-eastern portion of the Derbyshire limestone massif. A local stratigraphical succession, of Via Gellia Limestones (D 1 ), Lathkill Limestones (D 2 ) and Cawdor Limestones (P 2 ), is established. The subdivisions of the Carboniferous Limestone have unconformable relations with one another. The representatives of the D 1 zone are overlain by the Lathkill Limestones of Upper D 2 age. There are no representatives of the Station Quarry and Priestcliffe Limestones of the Miller’s Dale area. The upper division of the Lathkill Limestones overlaps the lower in the neighbourhood of Matlock. The Cawdor Limestones, of proved P 2 age at Cawdor Quarry, lie unconformably on the lower formations, cutting out the whole of the Lathkill Limestones and resting on Via Gellia Limestones at Wirksworth. Contemporaneous basalts and tuffs occur at several horizons although there is a concentration at certain levels. Dolomitization has affected much of the limestone. The lead-zinc ores are generally concentrated in the anticlinal structures, with the notable and still unexplained exception of Millclose Mine in the Stanton syncline. The main anticlines and synclines were already in existence during D 2 times. They were accentuated by post-D 2 movements causing rapid facies changes in the Cawdor Limestones and persisted at least to the base of the Millstone Grit. Late faults which are not mineralized have affected the area and of these the Bonsall fault separates areas of different tectonic pattern.

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