Electron spin resonance ofGdxLa1xPd3intermetallic compounds

We have extended our ESR study of Gd in the intermetallic compound GdxLa1xPd3 to samples annealed at 940°C and cooled rapidly to room temperature. We have measured the ESR linewidths and g shifts as a function of temperature and concentration of Gd. They were found to exhibit Korringa-like thermal broadening between 6 and 40°K. We have deduced the average value of Jeff for the effective-exchange integral to be 0.24 ± 0.03 eV. We have calculated also the magnitudes of the conduction-electron relaxation rates to the lattice, (i) due to the undisturbed host lattice, (ii) by spin-flip scattering due to the magnetic impurity Gd, and (iii) by spin-flip scattering due to the nonmagnetic impurity Th.