My office file contains fifty-three cases of scabies among the better feathered, the silver spooned and the intellectual and professional elect. Of the fifty-three, thirty-seven had seen one or more physicians without relief. Eight had seen "grade A" dermatologists. In five of the eight there had been diagnostic errors. To these I myself contributed one. A total of ten correct diagnoses had been made by forty-nine physicians who saw thirty-seven of the patients. To one of them his family physician made the remark "I would have called it scabies myself if it hadn't been I thought that was a disease no nice people ever had." From twenty-one known sources, sixty-one recognized and an unknown number of unrecognized infestations resulted. Though the subject may seem a bitinfra dig. and on a scale of morbidity rather picayune in a time of war and rumors of war, there is probably some justification

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