Vortex correlations in the superconducting transition of YBa2(Cu1xAlx)3O7δ films in high magnetic fields

We determine the characteristic length scale for vortex correlations in YBa2(Cu1x Alx )3 O7δ films [0≤x≤0.03] by studying their current-voltage characteristics in fields 0.5 T≤B≤6 T. We find that critical scaling persists over 60% of the resistive transition (which widens from 3 to 30 K as doping concentration and field increase) and breaks down when the correlation length is 500–1250 Å, a value that does not depend on the intervortex spacing. This result suggests that pinning in as-made films of YBa2 Cu3 O7δ is dominated by extended rather than microscopic defects.