Scanning electron microscopic studies of ileal epithelial cells in suckling rats

The ileal epithelial cells containing the tubulo-vacuolar systems and supranuclear vacuoles in suckling rats were investigated with scanning electron microscopy, using specimens treated with osmium-thiocarbohydrazide-osmium staining methods, and critical point drying and cracking. The cracked surface of the apical cytoplasm is seen as irregular and small hollows and pores of the anastomosing and branching tubulo-vacuolar system. The cracked surface of the supranuclear vacuoles shows the ellipsoidal structures. Numerous pores of various size and irregular shape are present on the apical inner surface of the supranuclear vacuole. These pores are clearly the openings from the tubulo-vacuolar system to the supranuclear vacuole. Some small pores are visible on the inner lateral surface of the supranuclear vacuole, especially near the nucleus. They are probably the pathways of the absorbed materials from the supranuclear vacuole into the lateral cytoplasm. Usually, the inclusions of the supranuclear vacuole reveal the globes or coarse and sponge-like networks.