Analysis of the Distribution of the Spacings Between Nuclear Energy Levels

An empirical spacing distribution is always based on a finite, and usually small, number of observed levels. Thus, even if the spacing of levels were described exactly by the random-matrix model, the observed distribution would necessarily fluctuate about the theoretical mean-the Gaudin-Mehta distribution. A statistic Λ(n) is defined to enable one to judge whether the magnitude of the observed fluctuations about the Gaudin-Mehta distribution is compatible with the random-matrix model. It is found that the correlations between the spacings implied by the model tend to reduce the expected fluctuations significantly. The statistical properties of Λ(n) are studied by means of a Monte Carlo calculation with matrices of order 100 sampled from the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble. An illustrative analysis of the published neutron resonances observed in U239 by Garg et al., reveals no obvious discrepancy between theory and experiment up to neutron kinetic energies of about 2 keV.