The expression of an engrailed protein during embryonic shell formation of the tusk‐shell, Antalis entalis (Mollusca, Scaphopoda)

This study presents the first detailed account of the larval and early post-metamorphic development of a scaphopod species, Antalis entalis, since 1883. Special reference is given to the expression pattern of an engrailed protein during the formation of the embryonic (protoconch) and adult shell (teleoconch). We found that in the trochophore-like larva the engrailed protein is expressed in shell-secreting cells at the margin of the protoconch close to the mantle edge. During metamorphosis the growth of the protoconch and expression of the engrailed protein along its margin stop and the teleoconch starts to form. These data suggest a different genetic background regarding protoconch and teleoconch formation in the Scaphopoda and possibly all Conchifera, thus inferring a different evolutionary origin of both organs. The single anlage of the scaphopod protoconch contradicts earlier hypotheses of a monophyletic taxon Diasoma (Scaphopoda + Bivalvia), which has been mainly based on the assumption of a primarily bilobed shell in both taxa. Comparative data on engrailed expression patterns suggest nervous system patterning as the basic function of engrailedin the Bilateria. However, there are several independent gain-of-function events, namely segment compartmentation in the Annelida and Arthropoda, protoconch formation in the Mollusca, skeletogenesis in the Echinodermata, and limb formation in vertebrates. These findings provide further evidence that homologous genes may act in very different pathways of bilaterian body plan formation in various animal phyla.