Redox-Linked Cell Surface-Oriented Signaling for T-Cell Death

T-cell death, which occurs either for ontogenic T-cell selection or for activated T-cell elimination, is normally induced through binding of a specific ligand to cell-surface T-cell receptor for crosslinkage. Heavy metals and carbonyl compounds that bind to protein-reactive groups such as cysteine sulfhydryl groups and lysine epsilon-amino groups may also induce crosslinkage of cell-surface proteins, in part replacing or modifying the ligand-mediated action. This chemical event has been found to accompany clustering of membrane rafts, to which signal-transducing elements such as glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins and Src family protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) are attached, and to trigger the signal transduction for apoptotic T-cell death, inducing mitochondrial membrane potential reduction, caspase activation and DNA fragmentation. As signals potentially upstream of this signaling, activations of PTKs and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) family kinases and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were induced following the cell-surface event, and crucial roles of activation of c-Jun amino-terminal kinase and apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 by a redox-linked mechanism in the cell-death signaling were demonstrated. Intriguingly, ROS production as well as PTK/MAP family kinase activation occurred in a membrane raft integrity-dependent manner. The redox-linked and cell surface-oriented signal delivery pathway demonstrated here may play an important role in induction of immune disorders by protein reactive group-binding chemicals.

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