Studies on the Transmission of Simian Malarias II. Transmission of the H Strain of Plasmodium knowlesi by Anopheles balabacensis balabacensis

Five species of anopheline mosquitoes were examined in regards to their suscpetibility to infection with the H strain of Plasmodium knowlesi. Anopheles balabacensis balabacensis, Anopheles freebomi, Anopheles maculatus, and Anopheles stephensi were readily infected to the oocyst stage but only in the 1st-named species were salivary glands heavily infected. Only A. quadrimaculatus failed to become infected. Transmission of this parasite to Macaca mulatta monkeys was obtained by the bites of A. b. balabacensis mosquitoes on 2 occasions. The extrinsic incubation periods in these lots of mosquitoes were 12 and 13 days and the prepatent periods in the infected monkeys were 8 and 7 days, respectively.