Increased frequency of isolation ofPasteurella andActinobacillus species and related organisms

Ninety-six clinical isolates ofPasteurella, Actinobacillus and related organisms were submitted to our reference laboratory for identification. The procedures for detecting the 11 identified species,Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella haemolytica, Pasteurella ureae, Pasteurella pneumotropica, Actinobacillus lignieresii, Actinobacillus equuli, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Haemophilus aphrophilus, Cardiobacterium hominis, and two unnamed species of CDC groups, HB-5 and EF-4, are described and their clinical importance is discussed. These organisms have been increasingly isolated in Japan and are most often associated with respiratory infections and endocarditis.