The patient exit interview as an assessment of physician-delivered smoking intervention: A validation study.

In evaluating the efficacy of physician-delivered counseling interventions for health behavior changes such as smoking cessation, a major challenge is determining the degree to which interventions are implemented by physicians. The Patient Exit Interview (PEI; J. Ockene et al., 1991) is a brief measure of a patient's perception of the content and quantity of smoking cessation intervention received from his or her physician. One hundred eight current smokers seen in a primary care clinic completed a PEI following their physician visit. Participants were 45% male, 95% Caucasian, with a mean age of 42 years and an average of 22 years of smoking. The PEI correlated well with a criterion measure of an audiotape assessment of the physician-patient interaction (r = .67, p < .001). When discrepancy occurred, in general it was due to patients' over-reporting of intervention as compared with the criterion measure. Implications and limitations of these findings are discussed.

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