Rapid and reliable fluorescent cycle sequencing of double-stranded templates

Automated DNA sequekcing is an extremely valuable technique which requires very high quality DNA templates to be carried out successfully. While it has been possible to readily produce large numbers of such templates from M13 or other single-stranded vectors for several years, the sequencing of double-stranded DNA templates using the ABI 373 DNA Sequencer has had a considerably lower success rate. We describe how the combination of a new fluorescent, dideoxy sequencing method, called cycle-sequencing, coupled with modifications to template isolation procedures based on Qiagen columns, makes fluorescent sequencing of double-stranded templates a reliable procedure. From a single five milliliter culture enough DNA can be isolated (up to 20μg) to do 4–8 sequencing reactions, each of which yields 400–500 bases of high quality sequence data. These procedures make the routine use of double-stranded DNA templates a viable strategy in automated DNA sequencing projects.