Studies ofStreptococcus suis type 2 infection in pigs

Investigations into the immunology, pathogenesis and epidemiology ofStreptococcus suis type 2 infections were carried out in experimental pigs and in naturally-occurring field outbreaks of disease. The capsular polysaccharide fromStr. suis type 2 was shown to induce opsonic antibodies in pigs when injected with Freund's incomplete adjuvant, but difficulties encountered in experimental production of the disease prevented a study of their protective effects. Problems with the bactericidal tests led to an investigation of other assays for antibodies againstStr. suis type 2, namely, a phagocytic test with pig neutrophils, a mixed reverse passive antiglobulin haemagglutination test and an indirect haemagglutination test. There was evidence that with modifications both the latter tests would be useful. Transmission studies in 39 conventionally-reared and 7 hysterectomy-derived, colostrum-deprived pigs yielded interesting results with regard to the distribution of the organism in relation to the disease process. Tonsil carriage in clinically-healthy pigs was demonstrated after experimental and natural infection. Detectable carrier rates varied between 0 and 59%. The organism was shown to persist in the presence of circulating opsonic antibodies and in pigs on penicillin-medicated feed. Attempts to isolate the organism from the genital tract were unsuccessful. Medicated early weaning and classical SPF techniques applied to infected herds appeared to be effective in producing pigs free fromStr. suis type 2 infection.