The coupling force for an isolated fluxon which extends through two thin films is calculated in the thin-film approximation. When the distance between centers of the fluxon in the two films is R, the force of attraction is Fc=(φ0μ0)[d1d2(d1λ22+d2λ12)]Adλ2(R); Adλ2(R) is the vector potential describing the magnetic field distribution of a fluxon in a film for which dλ2 has the effective value (d1λ22+d2λ12)λ12λ22. The film thicknesses are d1 and d2, the penetration depths are λ1 and λ2, and φ0 is the flux quantum. The result is obtained by using a simple superposition principle, and is valid when d1λ1, d2λ2, the fluxon core radii are much less than 2λ2d, and the separation between the films is small compared to λ1 or λ2.