A computational model was developed for the responses of low-frequency auditory-nerve (AN) fibers in cat. The goal was to produce realistic temporal response properties and average discharge rates in response to simple and complex stimuli. Temporal and average-rate properties of AN responses change as a function of sound-pressure level due to nonlinearities in the auditory periphery. The input stage of the AN model is a narrow-band filter that simulates the mechanical tuning of the basilar membrane. The parameters of this filter vary continuously as a function of stimulus level via a feedback mechanism, simulating the compressive nonlinearity associated with the mechanics of the basilar membrane. A memoryless, saturating nonlinearity and two low-pass filters simulate transduction and membrane properties of the inner hair cell (IHC). A diffusion model for the IHC-AN synapse introduces adaptation. Finally, a nonhomogeneous Poisson process, modified by absolute and relative refractoriness, provides the output discharge times. Responses to several different stimuli are presented. These responses illustrate nonlinear temporal response properties that cannot be achieved with linear models for AN fibers.

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