Decays of mass-separatedXe138andCs138

The β and subsequent γ decays of Xe138 and Cs138 were investigated using the on-line isotope separator system TRISTAN at the Ames Laboratory research reactor. Ge(Li) γ-ray singles and Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) γγ coincidence measurements were used to construct level schemes for Cs138 and Ba138. For the decay of Xe138, 94 of 99 observed γ-ray transitions have been placed in a level scheme for Cs138 with 27 excited states. For the decay of Cs138, 82 of 86 observed γ rays are placed in a level scheme for Ba138 with 35 excited states. Ge(Li)-plastic coincidence measurements gave Q values of 2.83 ± 0.08 MeV and 5.29 ± 0.07 MeV for Xe138 and Cs138, respectively. Spin and parity assignments have been deduced using γ-ray transition rates, β-decay logft values, and other information existing in the literature. Interpretation of some of the energy levels is made from a shell-model viewpoint.