The temperature dependence of the Eu3+ spin 〈S(T)〉 in the NaCl‐type intermetallic compound EuP has been studied by the observation of the phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) between 100° and 600°K. The phosphorus Knight shift consists of two contributions: (1) a temperature‐independent term K0 equal to the Knight shift in the nonmagnetic isomorph LaP and (2) a temperature‐dependent term K(T), proportional to the Eu3+ spin 〈S(T)〉 . The temperature dependence of the Eu3+ spin 〈S(T)〉 was calculated for a Eu3+ ion in an octahedral crystal field and an exchange interaction of the form 2βHe xS(He x=λ〈S〉) . Good agreement between the calculated and observed temperature dependence of the Knight shift was obtained for E1 (the energy separation between the J=0 and J=1 states) and λ in the range E1/k=525°K, λβ/k=0°K to E1/k=475°K, λβ/k=5°K. An analysis of the Knight shifts showed that these data are relatively insensitive to the effects of the crystal field interaction. Using the uniform‐conduction electron spin‐polarization model for the Knight shift, the resulting s‐f exchange energy for EuP was calculated to be Jsf≃−0.37 eV, in good agreement with the other rare‐earth phosphides.