Supersymmetry Relics in One-Flavor QCD from a New1/NExpansion

We suggest a new large-Nc limit for multiflavor QCD. Since fundamental and two-index antisymmetric representations are equivalent in SU(3), we have the option to define SU(Nc) QCD keeping quarks in the latter. We can then define a new 1/Nc expansion (at a fixed number of flavors Nf) that shares appealing properties with the topological (fixed Nf/Nc) expansion while being more suitable for theoretical analysis. In particular, for Nf=1, our large-Nc limit gives a theory that we recently proved to be equivalent, in the bosonic sector, to N=1 supersymmetric gluodynamics. Using known properties of the latter, we derive several qualitative and semiquantitative predictions for Nf=1 massless QCD that can be easily tested in lattice simulations. Finally, we comment on possible applications for pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory and real QCD.