The ‘Anatomy’ of Female Child Sexual Abuse: Who does what to Young Girls?

Objective: This paper aims to describe the characteristics of sexually abusive acts experienced by female children in order to identify those perpetrators who inflict intrusive and repeated child sexual abuse (CSA). Method: Data were collected from a random New Zealand sample of women aged 18 to 65 years who reported CSA, and a similar number of non-abused comparison women. Information on the perpetrator, the type of CSA, and perpetrator strategies were cross-tabulated. Results: The perpetrators were usually young men, well known to the victim or her family. Greater CSA intrusiveness was statistically associated with greater CSA frequency. Father/stepfather abusers were most likely to perpetrate intrusive and frequent CSA. However, family associates and non-paternal relatives were numerically more often reported as perpetrators than fathers/stepfathers. Stranger-perpetrators featured infrequently. Conclusion: We conclude that the most frequent and invasive CSA comes from someone well known to the child, particularly a family member or trusted friend. A focus by the courts or health professionals on either incest only (i.e. CSA between biological relatives) or ‘stranger danger’ will overlook the large categories of CSA perpetrated by secondary relative and family friend abusers.