The theory and properties of randomly disordered crystals and related physical systems

We review the methods which have been developed over the past several years to determine the behavior of solids whose properties vary randomly at the microscopic level, with principal attention to systems having composition variation on a well-defined structure (random "alloys"). We begin with a survey of the various elementary excitations and put the dynamics of electrons, phonons, magnons, and excitons into one common descriptive Hamiltonian; we then review the use of double-time thermodynamic Green's functions to determine the experimental properties of systems. Next we discuss these aspects of the problem which derive from the statistical specification of the microscopic parameters; we examine what information can and cannot be obtained from averaged Green's functions. The central portion of the review concerns methods for calculating the averaged Green's function to successively better approximation, including various self-consistent methods, and higher-order cluster effects. The last part of the review presents a comparison of theory with the experimental results of a variety of properties—optical, electronic, magnetic, and neutron scattering. An epilogue calls attention to the similarity between these problems and those of other fields where random material heterogeneity has played an essential role.