Relativistic many-body theory is applied to determine amplitudes for 4p→4s, 4p→3d, and 3d→4s transitions in Ca+; 5p→5s, 5p→4d, and 4d→5s transitions in Sr+; and 6p→6s, 6p→5d, and 5d→6s transitions in Ba+. The calculations, which are carried out through third order in perturbation theory, give lifetimes for excited p states that agree with measured values to better than 10%. The agreement improves to the 2% level after semiempirical corrections are included. The lifetimes predicted for the metastable 4d3/2 and 4d5/2 states in Sr+ and for the 5d3/2 state in Ba+ also agree well with measurement, but the theoretical lifetime of the 5d3/2 state in Ba+ is a factor of 4 larger than the measured lifetime.