Host defense mechanisms against influenza virus: interaction of influenza virus with murine macrophages in vitro

The interaction of mouse macrophages with influenza virus was examined as part of a study into the defense mechanisms against influenza infection. Macrophages exposed to A/Port Chalmers/1/73 virus produced infectious foci on susceptible indicator cell monolayers. Sampling of supernatant fluids and cells from infected macrophage cultures showed release of virus adsorbed to the cell surface. Active virus replication in macrophages could not be demonstrated. Exposing macrophages to specific antibody before or after virus infection resulted in a significant decrease in the number of infectious macrophages. The results suggest that although macrophages are not the source of replicating influenza virus, they are able to spread the infection by having virus attaching to their surface. This activity is interfered with by the presence of specific antibody.