Sedimentation of zeolite type A in water and waste water

A series of experiments was conducted to investigate the settling characteristics of zeolite type A, a non-phosphorus detergent builder, in water and waste water. The results obtained from settling column tests in water compared well with predictions made by applying Stokes' law to the particle size distribution curves, despite the nonsphericity of the particles Model sedimentation tank tests were undertaken and the removals at different overflow rates agreed closely with the predictions made from the column tests. Even at low flow rates zeolite type A removal in water was low.The percentage of suspended solids removed in static column tests using raw sewage was marginally reduced from the values obtained when zeolite type A was absent. Zeolite type A was removed to a lesser extent than the other suspended solids, particularly during the initial stages of the settling tests. In activated sludge pilot plant tests zeolite type A removal averaged 88%.Zeolite type A removals higher than 80% are anticipated in waste water treatment works comprising primary settling and secondary treatment by activated sludge; removals greater than 90% are regarded as probable.

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