Determination of oxidizing anions in explosive mixtures by phase transfer

Inorganic oxidizing agents are used in various explosive mixtures that are analysed by analytical chemists. Among them are dynamites, ANFO, black powder, match heads, pyrotechnical devices and home-made bombs. The crucial step in post explosion analysis is the extraction and purification of the explosive residues from the debris. A unique, fast and selective extraction technique for inorganic oxidizing agents is described in this paper. The debris are first extracted with water to yield an aqueous solution of the ions. Oxidizing anions such as nitrate and chlorate, are selectively transfered into the organic phase by the use of lipophilic quarternary ammonium cations. Other anions such as carbonate, sulphate and nitrite are not extracted into the organic phase under these conditions. The extracted anions are then identified by infra-red spectrometry and chemical spot tests.