Development of a bilayered living skin construct for clinical applications

An in vitro construct of human skin (living skin equivalent, LSE) has been engineered using serially passaged human epidermal keratinocytes and human dermal fibroblasts with a matrix of type I collagen. Cells are obtained from neonatal foreskin. LSE is cast, cultured, and shipped in a single culture insert. The size and shape of theinsert determines thesize and shape of the LSE. The dermal matrix consists of dermal fibroblasts within a condensed collagen lattice. The overlying epidermis is developed at the air–liquid interface to generate a protective cornified layer. Serum was not necessaryfor development of the epidermis. LSE for graft (Graftskin) has handling characteristics similar to split-thickness skin allowing it to be meshed, stapled, and sutured. LSE was cryopreserved using 65% glycerol an rapid freezing. Viability and in vivo performance on athymic mice were similar to fresh LSE. Cells derived from human eccrine gland were able to invade and form tubules rudimentary appendages may be possible.