Measurement ofbquark fragmentation fractions in the production of strange and lightBmesons inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

A new technique to measure the ratio of b quark fragmentation fractions in pp¯ collisions is described. Using a 70pb1 sample of low-mass dimuon trigger data recorded with the Collider Detector at Fermilab, we identify B mesons by observing the double semileptonic decays bcμX with csμX. By counting the numbers of K*(892)0, K*(892)+, and φ(1020) mesons produced in association with these muon pairs, we measure the ratio of strange to nonstrange B meson production to be fs/(fu+fd)=[21.0±3.6(stat)3.0+3.8(syst)]%. This measurement is the most precise available from hadron collisions to date. Limits on the branching fractions of semileptonic charm meson decays with K1(1270), K1*(1410), and K2*(1430) mesons in the final state are also obtained.

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