SUMMARY Litchi downy blight (name proposed) is induced by Peronophythora litchii. The fungus causes fruit rot in litchi (Litchi chinensis). The cardinal temperatures for growth are 12, 28, and 32 C and for sporangium germination are 12, 28, and 36 C. The sporangia germinate by normal germ tube (direct germination) on V-8-juice agar, and by releasing zoospores (indirect germination) in water. On 2% water agar with 0–10% dextrose, more sporangia germinate directly by a normal germ tube and by production of secondary sporangia as dextrose concentration increases. As dextrose concentration decreases, more sporangia germinate by a “thin” germ tube. Germination by zoospores remains constant. Percent germination decreases as the culture ages. The chilling effect on zoospore release is most evident at 16 C for 30 min when the culture was grown at 26 C and at 12 C for that grown at 16 C. The morphology of the fungus is described briefly.