Mutagenicity of trinitrotoluene and its metabolites formed during composting

TNT was mutagenic for Salmonella typhimurium without the need of a rat liver metabolic activation system (S9). The mutagenic potency of TNT decreased in proportion to the number of nitro groups that were reduced to the amino form. The presence of a nitro group on the 4 position of the diamino congener is necessary for mutagenicity. Among the active congeners, mutagenicity was generally greater for TA100 than TA98, except that for the 4‐amino congener the reverse was true. In cases when S9 was included in the assay, there was always a decrease in the number of mutants induced as compared with those without S9. Tetryl behaved like TNT, except that it was approximately three times more potent. RDX and HMX were not mutagenic under the conditions of the assay. When TNT was composted, the major metabolites identified in organic extracts of compost samples were the 2‐amino and 4‐amino congeners. An acetonitrile extract of compost was tested and found to be more mutagenic for TA98 than TA100, much like the authentic 4‐amino congener, but the amount of this congener in the extract did not account for the degree of mutagenicity.