A finite‐element tidal model for the southwest coast of Vancouver Island

A finite‐element, barotropic, tidal model is developed for the southwest coast of Vancouver Island. The model is run with 10 tidal constituents and the results are compared with Flather's (1988) finite‐difference model, and extensive tide‐gauge and current‐meter observations. Although sea‐level amplitudes and phases are reproduced, on average, to within 0.4 cm and 0.6° for each constituent, the model currents do not compare as favourably. Evidence is shown that these inaccuracies are due to baroclinic effects that cannot be reproduced with a barotropic model. Tidal residuals calculated by the model demonstrate the existence of eddies off the tip of Cape Flattery and around the commercial fishing grounds at Swiftsure and Amphitrite Banks.