Testicular cells lysostripped of H-Y antigen organize ovarian follicle-like aggregates

A suspension of free testicular cells were obtained by mild trypsin treatment from newborn BALB/c testes, and their plasma membrane H-Y antigen sites were blocked (lysostripped) by an excess of H-Y antibody of proven specificity and potency (45 min in ice). Upon 16 h of the Moscona-type rotation culture, these treated testicular cells yielded primarily spherical aggregates, more than half of which demonstrated a strong resemblance to ovarian follicles. The resemblance was particularly striking between the smallest testicular folliculoids and primordial ovarian follicles that abound in the newborn female gonad. Under the same condition, control serum-treated testicular cells primarily yielded cylindrical tubular structures that can be very long. Over a critical range, concentrations of H-Y antibody apparently influenced the frequency of testicular folliculoid formation. The above directly supports the proposed testis-organizing function of H-Y antigen and is certainly compatible with the genetic situation encountered in the wood lemming (Myopus schisticolor), that in the functional absence of H-Y antigen, XY gonadal cells readily organize an ovary.