Investigation of the States of2s−1dShell Nuclei Based on the Four-Particle-Four-Hole State inO16

The four-particle-four-hole state in O16 and the corresponding states in the even-even, N=Z nuclei of the 2s1d shell have been investigated in the framework of the Hartree-Fock approximation. Detailed calculations were performed in each case to determine the most stable Hartree-Fock solution. By assuming a simple model, the excitation energies of the band heads were calculated showing that Mg24 is the last nucleus where a state analogous to the four-particle-four-hole state in O16 might be observed. Energy levels have been calculated in O16, Ne20, and Mg24 using a basis of good angular-momentum states. A comparison between the predicted and the observed energy spectrum has been shown. In O16, calculations have been performed both with phenomenological and realistic interactions and the results have been compared. The accuracy of the projected angular-momentum states from the twelve-particle-four-hole solution in Mg24 has been estimated and shows that the projected states in this case are close to the eigenstates. We have demonstrated that one of two 0+ states observed around 7 MeV in Ne20 is an eight-particle-four-hole state.