2‐Phenylethylamine: A Modulator of Catecholamine Transmission in the Mammalian Central Nervous System?

Since the identification of 2‐phenylethylamine (β‐phenylethylamine; PE) as a biogenic amine, there has been much discussion about what role, if any, it may have in the CNS. Indeed, the low endogenous concentration of PE in the brain and its relatively low potency in behavioral and pharmacological experiments have led some researchers to conclude that perhaps PE possessed no physiological role at all but that it was merely a metabolic by‐product. Our findings have caused us to conclude otherwise, and in this article we review the neurochemical, neuropharmacological, and neurophysiological findings that lead us to propose that PE is a neuromodulator of catecholamine neurotransmission in the CNS.