The Response of Broiler Breeder Chickens to Parenteral Administration of Avirulent Pasteurella multocida

Broiler breeder chickens were exposed to avirulent P. multocida at 14, 22 and 34 wk of age by stick wing 1-3 times or s.c. 3 times. Fowl pox vaccine was mixed with the 1st P. multocida exposure in some groups. Exposure did not impair egg production or hatch of fertile eggs. Challenge with pathogenic P. multocida serotype 1 at 68 wk indicated that exposure to avirulent P. multocida 2 or 3 times provided better protection than 1 exposure. Mixing fowl pox vaccine with the avirulent P. multocida did not reduce immunity to fowl cholera or fowl pox.