The N:Si:P molar ratio in the Strait of Gibraltar

All existing descriptions of nutrient distributions in the Strait of Gibraltar suggest that the Atlantic water brings to the Mediterranean Sea nutrients in the Redfield ratio (N:Si:P = 16:15:1). Here, the N:Si:P molar ratios (±Standard Error), obtained in April 1998, are used to show that in the Atlantic water at the western entrance of the Strait this ratio is lower (13.8(±0.5):12.1(±1.0):1) than the classical Redfield ratio; it is close to the Redfield ratio in the middle of the Strait (15.6(±0.6):10.7(±0.9):1), and increases dramatically to 23.6(±3.4):29.1(±4.5):1 at the eastern entrance of the Strait. In the Mediterranean water, the N:Si:P ratio has a quite similar trend with 31.5(±6.0):26.5(±3.6):1 in the east, 20.4(±0.2):31.5(±11.1):1 in the middle and 18.1(±0.6):17.6(±0.7):1 in the west of the Strait. The physical and biological processes that account for the observed spatial variability of the N:Si:P ratio along the Strait are identified. We estimated that in the Atlantic water entering the Mediterranean Sea, about 84% of the variability in N:Si:P molar ratio is due to biological and 16% to physical processes.