Characterization of HCP-6, a C. elegans protein required to prevent chromosome twisting and merotelic attachment

Previous studies of mitosis show that capture of single kinetochores by microtubules from both centrosomes (merotelic orientation) is a major cause of aneuploidy. We have characterized hcp-6, a temperature-sensitive chromosome segregation mutant in C. elegans that exhibits chromosomes attached to both poles via a single sister kinetochore. We demonstrate that the primary defect in this mutant is a failure to fully condense chromosomes during prophase. Although centromere formation and sister centromere resolution remain unaffected in hcp-6, the chromosomes lack the rigidity of wild-type chromosomes and twist around the long axis of the chromosome. As such, they are unable to establish a proper orientation at prometaphase, allowing individual kinetochores to be captured by microtubules from both poles. We therefore propose that chromosome rigidity plays an essential role in maintaining chromosome orientation to prevent merotelic capture.